Getting Replacement Windows All At Once…Oh My

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Getting Replacement Windows All At Once…Oh My

Replacement Windows-The Key To A House Sale

When you think about getting replacement windows in Costa Mesa, CA for your home, you might consider getting a few windows at a time so you can ease into the process. However, if you know you’re going to do the whole house eventually, it’s actually in your best interest to do the whole house at once. Window professionals will do whatever you want and work under your schedule, but if you ask them what they recommend, they’ll say you should do it all at once. There are several reasons for this and it’s to your benefit, not theirs:

Reason 1: Cheaper Price Per Window

When you go to a regular grocery store and buy a can of corn, it’s a certain cost per can. When you go to a whole good store and buy a palate of corn, it lowers the price per can. While you aren’t going to get corn in this window process, the same reasoning applies to windows. Buying one window is a certain cost, but when you buy a bunch of windows at once, it lowers the cost per window. So in the end, even though the costs are all at once, you are actually saving money over buying one window at a time.

Reason 2: Just One Installation

Installation is a necessary part of getting one new window or a whole house full of windows. Installers can take one window out and replace it in about half an hour. That means it takes only a day or two, depending on how many windows you have, to do the whole house. When you have a window installed, you have to be home to let the installer in and there’s going to be some dust and debris left behind when they’re done, even though they clean up what they can. You have to do that over and over again if you do one window at a time. When you do the whole house, it’s one day and you’re done.

Reason 3: Window Matching

You can order a whole house full of windows at once and they’ll all be the same. When you order one at a time, there’s no telling. Time brings new window styles around and if you wait long enough, there won’t be the same windows available and you’ll have to mix and match, which can make your house look strange.

When you’re ready to get replacement windows in Costa Mesa, CA, talk to our representatives at California Window & Solar. We’re here to help you figure out the best avenue for your needs. Call us at (949) 284-7483 and we’ll talk over the details or set you up with a free consultation with no obligations to purchase anything. We’re just here to help. You can also visit our showroom to take a look at window options and get some ideas. We’re located a 2915 Red Hill Ave Ste B104 Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Our website, for even more information, is at

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